Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Libyan Foreign Minister Schaller

According to one of the named Masood? Hala Sa officersestimated that Muammar Gaddafi rebel army now and early February before the outbreak of fighting compared "theremaining 20% of the fighting"and only "not more than 10"generals still loyal to Gaddafi .herve leger single strap stretch gray black dress 

Garm former Libyan Foreign Minister Schaller said at a news conference that eight army house just "abandoned Gaddafiregime in Libya and have now escaped from the military part of the 120. "

Al Jazeera Web site reported on May 30, eight officers said in recent days more than 100 officers and soldiers of the armydefected from Gaddafi, Gaddafi now bear greater pressure to resign.

That several officers in Italy Libya attended a press conference.They announced that include them, recently more than 120officers and soldiers from the army defected to Gaddafi.

The hastily convened press conference was organized by the Italian Government.

A man named Wen? Ali? Wen general said: "We met the peoplemake us feel afraid. have a lot of killings, massacres ... ... andviolence against women. whenever there is a little dignity and rational people do not do what we He wants us to see and thingsto do. "

Another general Salah? long Man? Ahmed said Gaddafi'smilitary increasingly weak, "Gaddafi has been much time. "NATO said Gaddafi "lies no more "herve leger single strap stretch white black dress 

Post a progressive newspaper

South Africa "Post a progressive newspaper"website reportedon May 30 Topic: NATO says time to

South African President Jacob Zuma and Libyan leaderMuammar Gaddafi met to discuss the termination of the conflict.At the same time, NATO said that Gaddafi's "reign of terror" is about to close.herve leger single strap ombre cocktail red dress 

Held in Bulgaria in the NATO meeting, NATO Secretary GeneralAnders Fogh Rasmussen insisted: "Gaddafi's reign of terrorcoming to an end. "

NATO leaders for the military intervention of NATO expressed optimism about the outcome. NATO operations in the North African country to enforce the no-fly zone established by the United Nations support.

Rasmussen said: "Our military operations in Libya are to achieve our goal, and we are to achieve his goal to stopGaddafi. "

Hong Kong Sing Tao Global Network on May 31 reported thatPresident Jacob Zuma in South Africa for the African Unionreconciliation with Gaddafi "road map"for negotiations, the 31NATO air strikes earlier in Libya once again.herve leger single strap ombre blue dress 

German cucumber virus death toll rose to 14 incidents

According to Voice of "news aspect, " reported that in Europe, byEHEC "pollution " of the cucumber is still spreading. Up to now,events in Germany cucumber virus death toll has risen to 14people.Herve Leger Strapless 

As of May 30, Germany, died of intestinal Escherichia coliinfections has increased to 14 the number of people, and deathsfor the first time spread to areas outside northern Germany, 29 and 30, in Germany's most populous Northern Westchester State,two women have died from infection complications.
In response to the crisis, the German Federal and regional food-related health and epidemic

 prevention departments of therepresentatives of 30 held an emergency meeting in Berlin.German Health Minister Barr's press conference after the meeting, said authorities are still unable to determine the source of infection the disease, so he expected new cases will continue to rise. And there are signs that the outbreak of the infection source is still active. German Minister of Agriculture andConsumer Protection Aigner also said that the current form ofserious, need to maintain a high degree of vigilance.Herve Leger Sweetheart Bandage 

health officials in Germany

By EHEC (EHEC) "pollution " of the cucumber to continue tospread in Europe, Sweden, Denmark, England and Austria areinfected or suspected cases occurred.Herve Leger Scoop Neck 
Hamburg, 467 people have symptoms of infection
29, health officials in Germany said that as at that day, a total of 10 people were infected with EHEC disease deaths, the number of symptoms appeared to rise further. Only in the northern city ofHamburg, at least 467 people showed symptoms of infection. The Associated Press quoted the paper reported that some local governments, about 1,000 people infected.
A spokesman for the Austrian Ministry of Health, said Fabian richSeth, two German tourists traveling in Austria detected positive for EHEC, but no symptoms of hemolytic uremic syndrome. EUreminded recently had a life experience in Germany, people whotravel or if symptoms of bloody diarrhea should consult a doctor immediately.
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German Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection MinisterYierseyi Wagner to accept the German "Bild Sunday" interview, said that people do not start to eat cucumber, tomatoes, lettuceand other salad leaves.
29, the Czech government said a total of 120 produced in Spain,organic cucumber shelves. Austrian health authorities announcedthe same day, "a small part of" cucumber, tomatoes and eggplant, "withdrawal" a total of 33 stores. Customers should be discardedas soon as possible to prevent the spread of pathogenic E. coli.
Media previously reported that the "poison " of cucumber fromAlmeria, Spain Malaga Province Province and the two companies. 29, a EU spokesman said the two companies havesuspended production's two greenhouses, water and soilsamples were taken for laboratory analysis and testing, is expected May 31 or June 1 Kehuo results.Herve Leger Single Strap 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Prime Minister called for a ceasefire

Barack Obama the 27th President of the United States saidLibya's action would "be in the end", until the Libyan leaderMuammar Qaddafi to step down. The same day, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister  said that Russia is willing tomediate, but Gaddafi, "We should help him out. "Coach Madison Hobo 

Lee rejected the Prime Minister called for a ceasefire

Libyan Prime Minister Mahathir Motech said 26 in the capitalTripoli, Libya The United Nations and the African Union "to set adate and exact time of the cease-fire; dispatch of internationalobservers; to take the necessary measures "to end the conflict.

Motech Mahathir said, "(conflict) parties, especially the North Atlantic Treaty Organization"must be a ceasefire, "Once a ceasefire, will discuss everything. " However, Motech, Mahathirsaid, "Muammar Gaddafi Is the Libyan leader, if he leaves, all theLibyan people will leave. "

Motech for Mahathir's position, the U.S. deputy assistant for national security affairs, said the Rhodes, Libya failed to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions, the cease-fireproposal was not supported by real action, not credible, the United States will continue military operations.

The situation in Libya is one of the main topics the Group of Eightsummit. Obama 27 in after meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy said: "We agreed that progress in the Libyan actions. As long as Libya, Gaddafi still command team ... ... We are determined to complete this task. "

NATO warplanes on the 26th night launch of a new round of air strikes against Tripoli.Coach Madison Satchel 

police jumped over the fence

27, a court ruled Serbia, the former Bosnia Serb military commander Ratko Mladic to be extradited to the United NationsInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).Mladic refused to plead guilty, plans to appeal.Coach Leather 

Police said the same day the Serbian side, the police Mladic was arrested in the raid was about to go out walking.

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Karadzic, a former Serb President of the Republic. July 2008, Karadzic was arrested in Belgrade.

Milosevic, former Yugoslav president, in 2001 died in prison in The Hague.

Mladic, former commander of Serb forces. May 26, 2011 arrest.

Their report the names of

The source said that at 5:00 on the 26th action around. 4 whitejeeps carrying about 24 masked special police, driving   village. Most of the villagers are still sleeping.

Surrounded by a white picket fence in a yellow brick in Weidang, an elderly man was wearing pajamas, about to go out walking. 4dressed in black uniforms, not wearing a badge of maskedspecial police jumped over the fence, into the house, seizing men,ordered him to lie on the ground.Coach Madison Carryall 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The content of the feature

Western is dead, long live the West. Obama may be summed upour trip to Europe so far - and 25th in Westminster Hall keynote speech delivered - the message conveyed. In his speech, Obamatalked about the problem of the integration of social diversity. Hesaid that it was because of this, "one was a chef in the British Army in the Kenyan grandson"today to "stand before you asPresident. " 
The content of this feature with Obama has receivedvery good results. The assembled British lawmakers spontaneousapplause for Obama, this is Barack Obama speaking during the first and only time. However, in addition to this, the careful scrutinyof this content and speeches over the past half century the U.S. president's visit to the UK by the speech delivered no different.

   U.S. President's responsibility is to maintain the relationshipwith old allies, the establishment of new partnerships and shareour values. Obama said that we (meaning the United States,Britain and the West) "Living in a mainly we build a world ofeconomic globalization, "we "is still the biggest catalyst for global action. " It may still be true. The same is true also: follow their ownprinciples, to seek their own interests in the non-Western powerson the impact of world politics is growing.

long-term imbalances in global economy

U.S. dollar and euro on the relationship between the existence ofRunning out of the market-led view that a weak dollar the U.S. government wants to use to implement their export strategy. This view is precisely the strategy from the U.S. does not understand,do not understand the dollar is no credibility to the financialfounding of the United States will Heyi Kan.

Long-term imbalances in the global economy, the world has witnessed two major freak: the high debt in developed economiesand emerging market economies, high foreign exchange reserves, the most typical is the two largest economies in Europe and America's debt ratio is far above normal More than doubled,to rely on blood transfusions for a living.

 In China and otheremerging market economies have realized foreign exchange reserves is not possible, reduction of foreign exchange reservesbegan to consciously, those who need blood transfusionscountries and economies in China who can not borrow the money, one might argue the first outbreak Debt crisis. And if whoeverdebt crisis, China's money will not give it. Therefore, the euro areaand the United States to maintain monetary credibility is moreurgent than the expansion of exports, and the only way to maintaincredibility is to create a strong currency environment. This is thefounding of the German exports in the euro area is difficultbecause the sound is completely impossible for the U.S. dollarlooking weak reasons.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Organization for Economic Cooperation

Japan will use all the resources of the State, Fukushima nuclear accident learned profound lessons, review and adjustment of the energy policy should focus on four energy challenges.chanel classic bags black white 25174 

Naoto Kan, the same day in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the 50th anniversary of theopening ceremony said in a speech after the nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan to meet the first challenge was to examine thenuclear safety. Careful analysis and review Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan a "historical responsibility ", Japan should learn from and draw on the lessons of the accident, and these lessonswith other countries and young people share. Japan will establishthe highest standards of nuclear safety, for the establishment of aNuclear Accident Investigation and Verification Commission, not only to a comprehensive review of nuclear power technology, but also a comprehensive review of use of nuclear energy in thehuman resources, organization and even nuclear safety cultureand other factors.

Naoto Kan said, Japan needs to address the second challenge isthe utilization of fossil fuels. Japan will adopt the most advancedtechnology and promote efficient use of fossil fuels, greenhousegas emissions will be reduced to internationally acceptedminimum.

According to Kan introduced Japan to face the third challenge is to improve the proportion of renewable energy. Japan willmobilize all resources to break the practical use of renewable energy technology and cost barriers faced, and strive to 20 yearsof this century in the renewable energy share of electricityincreased to 20%. To achieve this goal, Japan plans to the cost ofsolar power by 2020, decreased to one-third by 2030 dropped toone-sixth of the current.

Naoto Kan, said fourth challenge facing Japan is to furtherimprove energy efficiency. Japan's energy efficiency in industryworld leader. The next target is without prejudice to the comfort offamily and community life under the premise of improving energyefficiency. Culture from the perspective of energy consumption, this is an innovation.chanel 255 bags sheepkin leather white silver 1112 

Naoto Kan stressed that the human face serious environmental challenges today, because the energy problem after anotheroutbreak of the conflict, so the energy policy review and transformation is very important. Human society to improve energy consumption should not be unlimited, but should reach the appropriate extent some restraint.

Patna to New Delhi in northern India

India, a small civilian aircraft crashed into the evening of 25 fallnear the outskirts of New Delhi houses, machine 5 passengers and 2 pilots were killed, resulting in the ground at least 3 people were killed and one wounded.chanel shopping bags black silver 46967 

According to Indian media reports, the plane from Patna to New Delhi in northern India, the Pilatus PC-12 single-engine turbopropaircraft is to transport a critically ill patients in need of specialtreatment. Aircraft in the night 10:45 25 the Delhi airport and lost contact with air traffic control panel, about 5 minutes after the crashin the densely populated suburb of New Delhi on two houses, andcaused the fire, 20 firefighters were rushed to the sceneAssistance. Police said the death toll could rise.

Air Traffic Control Panel of the staff that night the wind increased the difficulty of manipulating single-engine plane, which is likely tolead to the accident.chanel limited black bags 46514 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ukraine's Proxecutor

Ukraine's Prosecutor Xinhua Electrical morning charged former Prime Minister Yulia 24 Tymoshenko, accusing her of abuse of authority, signed the agreement on Russian gas imports at high prices.louis vuitton monogram vernis 

Accordance with the January 2009 agreement, Ukraine, 450 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters, the price of natural gas imports from Russia, higher than many European countries importRussian natural gas prices.

A spokesman for Attorney General's Office of Ukraine Yuri BoyQinke said the 10-year agreement that Ukraine suffered 3.5 billionhryvnias (about 440 million U.S. dollars) loss, Tymoshenko signed the agreement Has not been approved by the Cabinet.

Ukraine several times previously because of a dispute with the Russian natural gas prices, Russia temporarily suspended gas supply to Ukraine. As Russia's natural gas supply most other European countries via Ukraine, transportation, Russian "gasstop" multi-national gas shortage caused, for several weeks.

Tymoshenko denied the prosecution allegations, arguing that the contract issue to help end Ukraine gas dispute Russia, through no fault of their own.

In addition to 24 allegations against him, but Tymoshenko is also affected by the two involved in the prosecution of Ukraine charges of corruption. One is the diversion of 526 million environmentalfund to pay pensions; the other is to spend millions of dollars to buy ambulances for private activities.

Yulia said Shen Kejian innocence, saying the charges against the opposition by President  dimensional means.louis vuitton naxos leather 

Tymoshenko, the number of Cabinet officials during the reign ofcorruption allegations at this stage or have been subject toinvestigation, including former Interior Minister You Lilu CenSection.