Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Organization for Economic Cooperation

Japan will use all the resources of the State, Fukushima nuclear accident learned profound lessons, review and adjustment of the energy policy should focus on four energy classic bags black white 25174 

Naoto Kan, the same day in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the 50th anniversary of theopening ceremony said in a speech after the nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan to meet the first challenge was to examine thenuclear safety. Careful analysis and review Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan a "historical responsibility ", Japan should learn from and draw on the lessons of the accident, and these lessonswith other countries and young people share. Japan will establishthe highest standards of nuclear safety, for the establishment of aNuclear Accident Investigation and Verification Commission, not only to a comprehensive review of nuclear power technology, but also a comprehensive review of use of nuclear energy in thehuman resources, organization and even nuclear safety cultureand other factors.

Naoto Kan said, Japan needs to address the second challenge isthe utilization of fossil fuels. Japan will adopt the most advancedtechnology and promote efficient use of fossil fuels, greenhousegas emissions will be reduced to internationally acceptedminimum.

According to Kan introduced Japan to face the third challenge is to improve the proportion of renewable energy. Japan willmobilize all resources to break the practical use of renewable energy technology and cost barriers faced, and strive to 20 yearsof this century in the renewable energy share of electricityincreased to 20%. To achieve this goal, Japan plans to the cost ofsolar power by 2020, decreased to one-third by 2030 dropped toone-sixth of the current.

Naoto Kan, said fourth challenge facing Japan is to furtherimprove energy efficiency. Japan's energy efficiency in industryworld leader. The next target is without prejudice to the comfort offamily and community life under the premise of improving energyefficiency. Culture from the perspective of energy consumption, this is an 255 bags sheepkin leather white silver 1112 

Naoto Kan stressed that the human face serious environmental challenges today, because the energy problem after anotheroutbreak of the conflict, so the energy policy review and transformation is very important. Human society to improve energy consumption should not be unlimited, but should reach the appropriate extent some restraint.

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