Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Libyan Foreign Minister Schaller

According to one of the named Masood? Hala Sa officersestimated that Muammar Gaddafi rebel army now and early February before the outbreak of fighting compared "theremaining 20% of the fighting"and only "not more than 10"generals still loyal to Gaddafi .herve leger single strap stretch gray black dress 

Garm former Libyan Foreign Minister Schaller said at a news conference that eight army house just "abandoned Gaddafiregime in Libya and have now escaped from the military part of the 120. "

Al Jazeera Web site reported on May 30, eight officers said in recent days more than 100 officers and soldiers of the armydefected from Gaddafi, Gaddafi now bear greater pressure to resign.

That several officers in Italy Libya attended a press conference.They announced that include them, recently more than 120officers and soldiers from the army defected to Gaddafi.

The hastily convened press conference was organized by the Italian Government.

A man named Wen? Ali? Wen general said: "We met the peoplemake us feel afraid. have a lot of killings, massacres ... ... andviolence against women. whenever there is a little dignity and rational people do not do what we He wants us to see and thingsto do. "

Another general Salah? long Man? Ahmed said Gaddafi'smilitary increasingly weak, "Gaddafi has been much time. "NATO said Gaddafi "lies no more "herve leger single strap stretch white black dress 

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