Thursday, May 26, 2011

The content of the feature

Western is dead, long live the West. Obama may be summed upour trip to Europe so far - and 25th in Westminster Hall keynote speech delivered - the message conveyed. In his speech, Obamatalked about the problem of the integration of social diversity. Hesaid that it was because of this, "one was a chef in the British Army in the Kenyan grandson"today to "stand before you asPresident. " 
The content of this feature with Obama has receivedvery good results. The assembled British lawmakers spontaneousapplause for Obama, this is Barack Obama speaking during the first and only time. However, in addition to this, the careful scrutinyof this content and speeches over the past half century the U.S. president's visit to the UK by the speech delivered no different.

   U.S. President's responsibility is to maintain the relationshipwith old allies, the establishment of new partnerships and shareour values. Obama said that we (meaning the United States,Britain and the West) "Living in a mainly we build a world ofeconomic globalization, "we "is still the biggest catalyst for global action. " It may still be true. The same is true also: follow their ownprinciples, to seek their own interests in the non-Western powerson the impact of world politics is growing.

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