Friday, May 27, 2011

police jumped over the fence

27, a court ruled Serbia, the former Bosnia Serb military commander Ratko Mladic to be extradited to the United NationsInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).Mladic refused to plead guilty, plans to appeal.Coach Leather 

Police said the same day the Serbian side, the police Mladic was arrested in the raid was about to go out walking.

Dignity in all three into a Serb prisoner

Karadzic, a former Serb President of the Republic. July 2008, Karadzic was arrested in Belgrade.

Milosevic, former Yugoslav president, in 2001 died in prison in The Hague.

Mladic, former commander of Serb forces. May 26, 2011 arrest.

Their report the names of

The source said that at 5:00 on the 26th action around. 4 whitejeeps carrying about 24 masked special police, driving   village. Most of the villagers are still sleeping.

Surrounded by a white picket fence in a yellow brick in Weidang, an elderly man was wearing pajamas, about to go out walking. 4dressed in black uniforms, not wearing a badge of maskedspecial police jumped over the fence, into the house, seizing men,ordered him to lie on the ground.Coach Madison Carryall 

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