Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the lack of emerging countries are always popular

Although the French finance minister Christine Lagarde, backedby the EU, growing louder. But the International Monetary Fund(IMF) changed hands, but the lack of emerging countries are always popular.Coach Colette Tote 

Indian media reported this morning, Lagarde "world tour to lobby" is not to force Indian Point, Indian and do not want tosupport the European visitors. And today, Lagarde test the waterin China, in the IMF nomination period (June 10) before the final sprint.

By cold

Indian media does not buy it, "Lagarde lost"to do the title

IMF in the campaign, the most vocal on a number of Lagarde, in addition to have unanimous support within the EU, in the just concluded G8 (Group of Eight) meeting, she also received the United States, Japan, private recognition. India has never boughtLagarde's account, as early as the end of May, the IndianMinistry of Finance sources pointed out, even if ultimatelyunsuccessful campaign will also support the emerging economies to IMF President to recommend a candidate.

India's "Economic Times " reported this morning that his visit toBrasilia Tuesday after India launched Lagarde canvassing work.However, the report noted that India does not seem to accept theEuropeans continue to be in charge of IMF, and other emerging countries to start with the election of such criticism.

Reported that the Indian Finance Minister Mukherjee said that India has not committed to supporting the IMF as French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde new president, the country isactive consultations with the other BRIC countries, the currentpresident and candidate countries have different views.

Directly to the Indian media, "Lagarde lost, pretty words do notwin the support of India"to do the title.Coach Crossbody 

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