Thursday, June 2, 2011

need to continue dialogue to discuss

"China and the U.S. need to continue dialogue to discuss our concerns about what the question is what we are and how we can alleviate the concerns of both sides." Gates to Singapore en route to the accompanying reporters that the U.S. intention to prevent China from achieving its potential, but would like to find a way to successfully deal with the differences between the two countries. "The United States does not attempt to suppress China. China for thousands of years is an important big country, now is and will be a global power. So the question is, how do we ensure that Sino-US relations have maintained a positive momentum of the solution to one of the problems." He said.Coach Poppy Carryall 
Gates claimed that China's military modernization, some of the capacity-building to the U.S. "concern", such as the development of anti-aircraft missiles, anti-satellite missiles and other weapons and the network. But Gates stressed that he believed that Chinese aims to strengthen the military capabilities to expand their influence in Asia, rather than a direct challenge to the United States. Gates said, "I think the experience of China from the Soviet Union in the important lessons learned. They do not want to challenge the United States on all fronts full military power."
Since 2010, overseas Chinese military strength to strength for the growing number of concerns, a major voice of the view that enhanced China's military becomes more aggressive. In this regard, the Swedish Institute for Security and Development Policy Wantong facilities do not agree, he is more inclined to use "more confidence" formulation. "China's self-confidence increased, decreased self-confidence in other countries, leading to scenes of other countries will respond. For example, in Asia now, the strength and confidence in China than in other countries, the emergence of tensions." He told the East as early as reported, "I am surprised that this scene appears only today, but not in the past."
Shi Wantong believes that China should show "muscles", should have a more powerful than it is now the Navy and Air Force to maintain its overseas trade and investment, this is reality. "Now the problem is, this" muscle "will not be abused." Expert on the PLA, said, "Some people think it will, but I think it depends on the circumstances, cooperation is still possible. As to whether the changes in security environment , and I think that is not the case, is still stable. "
He believes that the problem is not the PLA to enhance its resources, "Frankly, I prefer a good education through the PLA. Education is a positive signal." He said.
The Chinese military sent Defense Minister to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue, one of the organizers of the British International Institute for Strategic Studies Chairman and CEO, John? Chipman said in an interview, the delegations of China and improve specification shows PLA's desire to touch the multilateral level, you want to soften the image.Coach Poppy Hobo 

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