Wednesday, June 22, 2011

rule out deliberately to show off their vanity

I do not know why, when I hear them talk about this, the hearts of a sad, sad. I seem to see Yanhua Xiang rubles a night in a prostitute, my companion could not wait to act ugly, though shameful, but can still be understood, but some unscrupulous people, lust, debauchery, but let some means.
 Of course, this does not rule out deliberately to show off their vanity to meet. I have some fear of sex was curious, so it is more sensitive to such things, I have not tasted the taste of a woman child, and I am unhappy mind: either prostitute or companions are merciless ridicule me. Before long, they re-visit this brothel, I do not take me, until they Zhao said: "Buddy you will not go."
"Why do not I go?"
"And you're awkward together."
I remember these words, feel that much meaning, but I did not get quite understand.
"You look at you. You do not go with you to everyone's fun ..." Only Al and Tim clearer to say with a sneer: "You like a priest, and like unreasoning father."
Prostitutes also a joke at first I let go of hands and feet, and later on anger: "You are not despise our way?"
That pretty full four-year-old Polish "girl"
, here's "mother", she docile family dog ​​eyes looking at me, said: "I say girls, Give me a break him, he is one accurate lovers, is not it?
Such a robust young man, certainly to the Valentine's fascinated, can not go wrong. "

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